
Warning Signs of Divorce

Warning Signs of Divorce

Have you ever been in a relationship where you knew there were signs that a divorce was on the way or red flags being flown in front of you, but you just missed it? No one can really say when a relationship will end and even though there are situations where we can question the idea of divorce, sometimes the signs are not as obvious.

There are some signs that a divorce is pending, and these can be early signs in your marriage. If you find these signs in your relationship, chances are a divorce is on the horizon:


You and your partner should want to spend time with each other, and it is different if you are on different shifts at work, but if you find that you and your partner are always going to bed at different times, there could be trouble in your marriage.


You should be having sex with your partner and if your partner is always telling you that he or she is too tired, there is trouble.


If your partner is consumed with a hobby that doesn’t involve you, he is spending time doing something but working on your relationship.


One hidden red flag is when you are always asking your partner to do things rather, they are big or small.

Social Media

Social media should be used here and there but if you find that your partner is on social media a lot, chances are he is feeling lonely and he might or might not be cheating.


Women that are on the road to divorce will prepare themselves for a new partner by taking up selfies. A selfie is something that you do to share yourself with other people and even though this isn’t intimate, it can cause people to look at you and be attracted to you.

Too many selfies can mean that you are not being validated by your partner and you are trying to find someone outside to tell you that you are good enough.

Spiritual Journey

If you or your partner start to change your spiritual walk on your own, this can mean you are not on the same path.

Work Troubles

If one person is having a hard time at work, things can be wrong at home. Sometimes work problems are the result of unhappy homes.

Working Too Much

If your spouse is always at work and they are spending more time at work than at home, the home life is not the way that they hope that it will be.

Changing Looks

Does your partner all of a sudden have an interest in their looks? Do they lose weight and work out a lot or want a new wardrobe? This could be a sign that they are looking for a new partner.

New Things

Do you find that you and your spouse’s conversations are about things that you are not aware of or new things? There can be people in your partners life that are getting more attention than you.


Do you have drama in your family and feel that your marriage is falling apart? This can be a sign you are headed to divorce court.

There but Absent

Do you find that you and your partner are there in the same room, but you are not emotionally connected anymore? You might talk to each other but there is no sign of interest from the person sitting across from you.

New Friends

Your spouse might find a new friend that they talk to about everything. Take this as a warning.

Quality Time

Did you and your spouse used to spend hours on end doing things with each other and now you only see them when they are forced to be by you? You are not having fun with each other when this happens.


Do you fear sharing things with your spouse? People that are happy together want to share their feelings and their emotions. They want to involve you in their life. This can be a big sign to look out for.

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