Do You Want to Have Sex with Your Friend? Here’s How!

Do You Want to Have Sex with Your Friend? Here’s How!

You may wonder if you can have sex with your friend without losing your friendship. When you understand that having sex with a friend can cause there to be weirdness between you, then you might want to consider the pros and cons.

The thing about sex is that it is weird but so is friendship. The two can go together and not cause damage, sometimes, but most of the time they can’t.

If you have sex with your friend, what are the chances that your feelings will change, and you will want to be romantic with them? This will more than likely happen because with sex becomes romantic feelings. When they are your friend, they will feel differently too, and chances are you will cause feelings to come that you didn’t expect to see.

You are going to do something that could be dangerous to your friendship. You need to consider what you are going to do before you make that move because many friendships end when sex comes into the picture.

Some will end up in relationships and will end up getting married but most of the time things will not end well.

This is not something most people would advise. Of course, you are an adult and you can do what you want but if you are a good friend, you need to ask yourself if having sex is worth losing your friendship. This can be something that causes feelings to change for you and for your friend.

There are different kinds of feelings that you can have with someone, some are platonic, and others are romantic. If you have romantic feelings, then you need to figure out where these feelings are coming from and learn to manage them. If you have sex with your friends and you have slight feelings of romance, it can bring these feelings back up and fast.

Having platonic feelings means that you have no feelings of romance and it means that you could have sex without ruining the relationship, but what happens if they decide they have different feelings?

No one really knows what sex is going to do in a relationship until it happens and then the feelings can come, and you might not even be aware that they are there.

How will you deal with these feelings when they come? What if you can never look at the person the same again? What if your friend meets someone?  Will you get jealous and not be able to be friends?


A real friend is something that is hard to find and if you choose to have sex with this person then you are taking a chance that things could change. When you want to have sex with your friend, find out if you are going to ruin the friendship and choose wisely.

Sex can make things become messy. If you aren’t good friends and they walk away, it won’t be nearly as devastating to you. Of course, there are many relationships that have come out of friendships, but sex can cause them to end fast.

If you choose to have sex with a close friend, then chances are you might end up not speaking or you might have a fall out because the feelings are indescribable. Maybe you are not able to even look at each other the same after seeing each other naked.

The morning after sex with your friend can make you feel very strange. This will be something that leaves a memory and honestly, sex is already complicated and if you do it with a friend then what could go wrong?

What if you end up pregnant on accident? What if you and your friend become parents because of your one-time having sex? Things can happen and things can go wrong.

Future Feelings

How will you feel after you and your friend have sex if they meet someone new? Will you be jealous? Are these feelings worth ruining your friendship? This can cause you to not be able to really connect with your friend.

Is having a night of sex what you would choose over being close with someone? Are you able to move on if you and your friend do not work out after sex? You have to understand the problems that can come with this.

These things can cause there to be weirdness afterwards. Can you look at their body and not remember it after your one night together? Can this be a reason for awkwardness when you want to hang out again?

You need to be honest and realize that most of the time sex and friendship does not work out and see that this can cause problems.

You have to understand that friendship should be fun and relaxing and not strange or awkward and if you feel that sex will make you feel different then it will be something you cannot come back to.

Learning how to have sex with your friend might cause you to not be able to separate your feelings or to turn them off. Learn to decide if you want to take the risk of being with your friend or if you value the friendship too much.

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