
Signs About Love from the Universe

Signs About Love from the Universe

With things being strange in our world right now such as the pandemic, figuring out what you are meant to doing your relationship can be confusing. You might have a hard time finding what love is and what the universe is trying to show you.


Maybe you are dreaming about someone. This could be someone that is trying to reach out to you. Even if you do not know this person and you have no memory of them, sharing a dream can mean that they want to connect with you.


Seeing numbers that repeat or sequences of numbers can be a big sign that the universe is trying to reach you. Write down the numbers that you see such as 3:33 or 11:11. Maybe you see two of the same animals walking by you each day. These are repetitions that can happen when someone is thinking about you or likes you.


If you have a moment where you see something and it reminds you of someone or if you are at the store and you see your favorite candy, there is no question that the universe is trying to see you and talk to you.


People normally get hiccups when someone is being toxic to you. If you keep having hiccups when you are around someone, there is a chance they have animosity against you that you might not know about.

The universe needs you to see this person for who they are and to think about the relationship and what issues you have that need resolved.


When someone is thinking about you, their intense feelings might cause you to have things happen to you such as goosebumps or your eyes twitching. Your body can change to these emotions, especially if someone has romantic feelings towards you.

If your left eye twitches, someone might be thinking positive things about you but if your right eye twitches this can be a negative though.


Sneezing can mean that you have someone in your life that is missing you. If you sneeze a lot, it can mean something else. Sneezing twice in a row can mean someone is saying negative things about you. Sneezing more than three times in a row can mean someone feels good things about you.


When you are around someone, and they brush up against you or touch you a lot, it can mean that they have subconscious romantic feelings for you.

Look at the signs around figure out what the universe is trying to tell you.

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